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womens-clarity-boxes3Clarity of Calling

A seven week on-line journey
(for women and men)

If you seek understanding as well as transformation, this course offers the possibility of both. There is food for the mind, body, and soul here for you. This course offers a framework from which to move forward with greater clarity, creativity, and possibility.[/fusion_text][separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”20″ bottom_margin=”20″ sep_color=”#727272″ icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]

You will receive:

  • A weekly mp3 recording to help set the context for each week.
  • Numerous interviews with wisdom carriers of the themes we explore..
  • Journaling questions.
  • Embodied exercises to bring the work from your mind to your body
  • Tools to recognize and track the Speech of your Soul
  • An on-line forum to share your journey with me, and with others in the tribe.
  • Three live Q&A calls.

Throughout the seven weeks you will discover more about your soul’s nature and purpose through exploring:



Week 1: Your Story

Your life through a mythic lens. When we look below the literal level of our lives, we realize that we are on a Hero’s Journey that deeply relates to our gifts.

Interview on the Mythic Life with Francis Weller founder of[/fusion_text]

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Week 2: Your Obstacle

Obstacles to embodying your calling as the expression of a sacred wound that is an essential source of your gifts and your wisdom.

Interview on the Sacred Wound with Annie Bloom, long time soul guide with Animas Valley Institute who has now branched out and created[/fusion_text]

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Week 3: Your Ancestral Burdens and Bundles

Ancestral wounds and ancestral gifts, both of which can contribute to your ability, or lack of ability to step more fully into your calling.

Interview on the connection between calling and the ancestors with Daniel Foor of[/fusion_text]

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Week 4: Your Allies

Allies in this world, as well as spiritual allies. We are not meant to navigate this alone. Support is available. Find out how to best access the resources you need.

Interview with Marti Spiegelman on consciousness, shamanism, and ways to widen our circle of relatedness.


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Week 5: Your Being

Your calling on its most essential level. We are human beings, not human doings. Until we honor ourselves at this level, what we do in the world may never feel like it is good enough.

Interview on the Beingness of Calling with Julie Daley of


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Week 6: Interview on the Doingness of Calling with Maildoma Some

What an honor it was to speak with Malidoma who speaks with such clarity and conviction about the process of birthing of our calling.

In this 30 minute interview we speak of:

  • Malidoma’s personal story of understanding and embodying his calling.
  • How to face and embrace the inner storms that come with trying to clarify and live our calling, from confusion and disappointment to anger and loss.
  • How to translate messages from the Mystery so that they feed an embodied calling
  • The importance of imagination, story and the ancestors
  • The relationship between trust or “hanging in there” and clarity.
  • Pain as an initiatory process
  • The importance of gestation, and allowing a full term birth of our calling

The concrete, action oriented level of calling. This is where the rubber meets the road, or our souls meet the world. Here we gather all we have learned on this journey and cross the bridge from the energetic, mythic and symbolic levels to the literal everyday level.

Interview with scholar, elder and shaman Malidoma Some´on forging  your purpose.  

Malidoma Patrice Some is from Burkina Faso, West Africa. In his native language, Malidoma means “be friends with the stranger”. A gifted medicine man of the Dagara tribe, he holds three master’s degrees and two doctorates, from the Sorbonne and Brandeis. He is the author of, Of Water and the Spirit,  Ritual, and The Healing Wisdom of Africa. In his own words, he is, “the voice of the wisdom” of his ancestors.


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Week 7: Your Ritual

Embody your gifts through a ritualized crossing of a threshold. Each person will find a unique way to consecrate a deeper understanding of their unique way of belonging in this world.


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If you are going through a life or work transition, seeking deeper meaning or creative expression, feel lost at the crossroads of life, or are one of those people who just can’t get enough of soul searching, this course is for you!

For more information and to register go to They are the wonderful folks that requested I offer an on-line version of my work. Thanks Diane and Erez!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (415) 458-8321

I am here to help you bring the seeds you carry to fruition.[/fusion_text]

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