Hi, I'm Aninha

I’m a licensed psychologist with over thirty years of experience integrating ancient and modern healing practices.

Dive into the first week of my ebook and 7-week online course for free.

Traditional and Shamanically Informed Psychotherapy

I welcome you to the sacred container of therapy. Together we can explore what kind of growth and healing you seek to meet the challenges that you face. I am here to support you in making contact with what is deeply true for you. From this place, life unfolds with greater ease and meaning

Experiential Divination

Divination is a healing and empowering tool. It is an opportunity to hear reflection and direction from the realm of the ancestors. My approach would be better described as seeing more deeply into what is. It can be likened to getting an x-ray for the Soul. 

eBook Course

The Feminine Face of Destiny: A Soul-Centered Approach To Living Your Calling in an interactive enhanced ebook course and online course. Discover your most potent portals to Soul through this multi-modal approach incorporating somatics, nature-based exploration, expressive arts, ancestral connection, and intuitive skills training.

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