Clarity of Calling 7 Week online Course

A seven week on-line journey

If you seek understanding as well as transformation, this course offers the possibility of both. There is food for the mind, body, and soul here for you. This course offers a framework from which to move forward with greater clarity, creativity, and possibility

You will receive:

  • Seven “Setting the Context” talks from me to you.
  • Weekly interviews with experts and wisdom carriers.
  • Journaling questions to deepen help your process.
  • Embodied exercises to integrate the work.
  • Tools to recognize and track the Speech of your Soul.

Throughout the seven weeks, you will discover more about your soul’s nature and purpose through exploring:


Week 1: Your Story

Your life through a mythic lens. When we look below the literal level of our lives, we realize that we are on a Hero’s Journey that deeply relates to our gifts.

Interview on the Mythic Life with Francis Weller founder of

Week 2: Your Obstacle


Explore obstacles to embodying your calling as an expression of a sacred wound, and as an essential source of your gifts and your wisdom.

Interview on the Sacred Wound with Annie Bloom, long-time soul guide with Animas Valley Institute who has now branched out and created

Week 3: Your Ancestral Burdens and Bundles


Ancestral wounds and gifts can both contribute to your ability or lack of ability, to step more fully into your calling.

Interview on the connection between calling and the ancestors with Daniel Foor of

Week 4: Your Allies


We are not meant to navigate this alone. Support is available. Find out how to best access allies in this world, as well as spiritual allies.

Interview with Marti Spiegelman on consciousness, shamanism, and ways to widen our circle of relatedness.

Week 4: Bonus Interview 


Enjoy this interview with Timothy Flynn on cultural sensitivity, natural ways to altar consciousness and connect with allies.

Week 5: Your Being


Your calling on its most essential level. We are human beings, not human doings. Until we honor ourselves at this level, what we do in the world may never feel like it is good enough.

Interview on the Beingness of Calling with Julie Daley of

Week 6: Your Doing (Embodiment)


Malidoma Some speaks with clarity and conviction about the process of birthing of our calling.

Week 7: Your Ritual


Embody your gifts through a ritualized crossing of a threshold. Each person will find a unique way to consecrate a deeper understanding of their unique way of belonging in this world.

Nika Annon interviewed me on the topic of Ritual.

“I loved this course. It brought me into a deep awareness of my soul and helped me discern its messages and my own inner guidance. The course was beautifully presented! In the past I’ve been overwhelmed by the content of online courses, but Aninha delivered this course in such an easeful and creative way it was easy to absorb and digest. I highly recommend it for gaining both clarity of calling but also for deepening with yourself and your own wisdom. Wonderful!”

~ Julien

“I have a Masters in Instructional Design and have taken and taught hundreds of online courses. This is one of the best I’ve taken. Aninha is a master of her content. She is imbued with a love for this work, and the work emanates from her. Her lectures, videos, interviews, live phone calls & feedback to students are beautifully crafted & clearly delivered, I could feel her enthusiasm and love exuding from her words and gestures. She guided us competently into unknown territory, respecting our limitations, fears and boundaries.  I highly recommend this course to everyone who wants to experience an inner journey with the support of a loving knowledgeable mentor.”

~ Marcia

“As an engineer and a linear thinker, I was hesitant to attend this course, which was designed from the ground up from a non-linear place.  Aninha did a great job in outlining the material. She brings in many expert views through interviews and supporting material.

This course changed me… I have learn many valuable tools related to conscious exploration of my path. I got clarity around some of the reasons I resist (and essentially afraid of) my own potential success, and ideas on how to deal with those behavior patterns.

I highly recommend this course to those who are ready to discover more about their calling, and are ready to step out from the habitual ways of day to day life in exploration of their true purpose.”

~ Erez B.
   Engineer and Founder of

If you are seeking deeper meaning, creative expression, or a more soulful direction in life, this course is for you!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (415) 717-6441

I am here to help you bring the seeds you carry to fruition.

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