Women’s Clarity Process

womens-clarity-boxes3Women’s Clarity Process

If you know you have gifts to share, but spend more time confused than clear…get ready to dive deep into your Soul and emerge with treasures for your community and the world.

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Here are the essential areas of calling we explore together:

Session 1: Your Story

Your story may feel old and boring. You don’t want to go over it again. The whole reason you are coming is to get away from the old story…

BUT, when you tell your story in a sacred container, with the intent to track the threads that link your fate (that which you think you want to get rid of) and your destiny (that which you hope to move toward), magic can begin to happen.

Session 2: Your Obstacle

Rather than running from your obstacle, this session helps you turn toward it. Your obstacle contains the seeds of your gifts.

Session 3: Your Ancestral Wounds and Gifts

Your obstacle did not start with you. You inherited it! Not only that, you inherited unclaimed powers and talents as well. Accessing the wounds and gifts in your ancestral lineage allows you to enter a larger story and take action that frees you, your ancestors, and future generations.

Session 4: Your Allies

Without awareness of the inner and outer allies that exist for you, following your calling is a lonely path. Become aware of the support that surrounds you, and begin to make a practice of calling upon those resources.

Session 5: Being your Calling

Calling is not all about doing. Before all else, you are filled with unique qualities. To become aware of and embody these essential qualities supports aligned action in the world.

Session 6: Doing your Calling

What actions are aligned with your essential qualities, your innate gifts, and your heart felt longings? It is time to express these in concrete ways that feed your soul, and the soul of the world!

Session 7: Ritual of Offering your Gift

You are invited to offer a threshold gift to your community. From the clarity that has come, step into reciprocity: Offer your gifts and be received!

If you are seeking a deeper sense of clarity, call me for a free 20 minute consultation at (415) 458-8321.

I am here to help you bring the seeds you carry to fruition.

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Praise for Women’s Clarity Process:

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Owner of Soultime
“I am now creating the life of my dreams, in largely initiated by the Women’s Clarity Process. I now know what does and does not feel on true purpose, where to gather my inner and outer strength, and how to trust my inner compass. The process definitely lives up to its name. Aninha utilizes the strength of nature and shamanic elements, adding what is often missing in traditional modalities. “

Founder Vividly Woman Embodied Leader Tools and Training
“Aninha brings a dynamic, loving and sensitive wisdom to her facilitation. Vividly Woman Leaders Circle was blessed to have her wise woman way of midwifing us to deeper connection with ourselves and each other. It was a sacred healing and wholeing experience for us all. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to working with Aninha in the future.”

“My journey through the Women’s Clarity Process was one of magic, ceremony, and self-discovery. Each session was intuitively crafted to help me unlock the deeper parts of my self knowing and find my own answers and truth. I was then empowered to take the next step in my life toward living my calling from a deep place that I previously had not had full access to. I highly recommend this process to any woman wanting to step into her calling. “

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