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Week 2: Your Obstacle

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Calling and Your Obstacle

Get comfortable, let go of any distractions, and listen to this week’s context talk on, The Obstacle.

This week I speak about:

  1. Reframing the obstacle as a sacred wound
  2. The relationship between wounding and wisdom
  3. How to move from emotional blocks to embodying our gifts
  4. The importance of being gentle with yourself

Listen Now:


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Week 2 Interview

Interview on the Sacred Wound with Annie Bloom

Please join me as we dive deeper into the question of soul and calling.

In this recording Annie speaks about:

  • Her own wounding and the gift that grew from that fertile soil
  • The importance of having a mentor or soul guide when exploring the sacred wound
  • People who have transmuted their suffering into gifts
  • The difference between victimhood and being in relationship with our wounds
  • The role of the critic
  • The healing power of nature

Here is a short bio if you are not familiar with Annie Bloom:

Annie has been guiding people into their deepest mystical connection with the Earth for 21 years. She has trained with School of Lost Borders, worked with Wilderness Reflections and was a senior guide with Animas Valley Institute from 1995 to 2012. Annie is an initiator, a soul practitioner, a deep listener who carefully attends to the large story inside of the everyday stories of our lives. She has guided hundreds of people into exquisite wildernesses, where our personal soul and the world soul intersect and we make contact with our larger destiny and the fulfillment of being alive at this time in our planetary evolution.

Please note that one question was asked twice due to a technological glitch which we edited to the best of our ability.

Annie Bloom Interview: Listen Now:


Download to listen later:

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Week 2 Lesson Downloads:

Week 2: Gathering your Obstacle Journaling[/fusion_text][separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”” bottom_margin=”15″ sep_color=”” icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]

Week 2 Lesson Downloads:

Week 2: Expressing your Obstacle Journaling[/fusion_text][separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”” bottom_margin=”15″ sep_color=”” icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]

Week 2 Lesson Downloads:

Week 2: Tracking your Obstacle Journaling[/fusion_text][separator style_type=”single” top_margin=”40″ bottom_margin=”40″ sep_color=”#dd9933″ icon=”fa-eye” width=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]

Homework to read online:


Gathering Your Obstacle:

  1. Describe your obstacle from a stream of consciousness place. Write without picking up your pen, even if you have to write, “I don’t know what to say.” ten times. Write until you feel organically complete, which is different than blocked.
  2. All of life occurs within three core life processes: creation, maintenance and destruction including your obstacle.
    • How do you understand the origin of your obstacle?
    • How do you understand its current state?
    • How do imagine its death and rebirth into something of immeasurable value
  1. What if your obstacle were sacred? What if it were essential to you expressing your gifts in the world? Allow your obstacle to speak to you and to tell you how it is a source of wisdom and soul power:I am your sacred wound and I want to tell you…

Expressing your Obstacle:

The visual exercises are the basis for the work. If you care to take it deeper and wider, you can also explore the somatic and earth-based invitations.

  1. Visual Expression: I encourage you to draw your images this week. Let the energy of your obstacle move from your body onto the paper. If you also have a printed image that speaks deeply to that you want to add to your collage that can be an additional step.

Keep these images somewhere that you can see them, if you have a place that feels safe and private enough. Let them inform you, stir you, and awaken your imagination.

  1. Somatic Expression: Allow your body to find a gesture or shape that matches your internal experience of what feels like the obstacle. In your own timing and pace find your way into a shape or gesture that has at least a hint of the gift wanting to be born from the challenge. Let your body lead. This is a non-linear process. No need to understand or control with the mind.
  1. Earth-Based Expression: Begin, or continue a conversation with nature in relation to your calling and your obstacle. Share what you have discovered thus far. You might do this through words, movement, song, or silence. Nature and Soul are the deepest of allies in calling. I will continue to leave this wide open to your own imagination and exploration.

Tracking your Obstacle:

Track what you have noticed as you gathered and expressed your obstacle this week.

Inner Eye: Did any images arise that caught your attention, surprised you, enlivened you or disturbed you in any way?

Inner Ear: Did you notice whispers of the soul arising as you gathered or expressed? What did you hear?

Kinesthetic: How did your body feel during this process? Did your body speak? If so what came into your awareness?

 Inner Knower: Do you know something about yourself that you did not know before you began this process?

It can be helpful to also track:





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