Work With Me


Ways to Work with Me

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]If you want support in walking the unique path that only you can walk, please consider the following services:

Women’s Clarity Process: Individual mentoring for women blocked in their calling, culminating in a ritual of claiming one’s gifts, and being witnessed and welcomed by your community. Read more

Women’s Courage Circles: The power of deep collective work, in the company of other women. Retrieve and reclaim the gifts you were born to embody. Read more

Rituals for Change: The power of deep individual inner- work, in the form of a ritual series designed to meet you at your growing edge. Read more[/fusion_text][separator style_type=”shadow” top_margin=”10″ bottom_margin=”10″ sep_color=”” icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””]


Women’s Clarity Process:

An in depth, soul centered process for women seeking clarity of calling. Read more[/fusion_text]


Clarity of Calling On-line Course:

If you seek understanding as well as transformation, this 7 week online course offers the possibility of both. More… Read more[/fusion_text]


Rituals for change:

A potent approach rooted in indigenous wisdom for meeting and creating change. Read more[/fusion_text]



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